259 Commerce StreetEast Haven, Ct 06512Main: (203) 429-4013
Beginning on Monday, January 16, 2025 through February 5, 2015 families will be able to apply for funds to assist with paying league registration fees during this upcoming season.
Game Changer Team Manager
Please Register and complete all information (name, address etc and player information). If you plan to be a manger,coach, assistant coach please fill out volunteer information.
The little league will be holding Saturday winter clinics at the Sportsplex in North Branford 01/11/25 through 02/08/25!
Wall Field
Colter Field
Memorial Park at NBIS
Northford Park
Stanley T. Williams Front Field (Gravel)
Stanley T. Williams Front Field
TVES T-Ball Field
Totoket Valley (Baseball)
Totoket Valley Softball
Wall Field Cages
Madison (Jaycee Field)
Coginchaug Allyn Brook Park
Westbrook (Ray Palmieri Field)
Pawcatuck LL
East Haddam Moodus LL
P.O. Box 494 Northford, Connecticut 06472